Feb 9, 2024 | Active, Transportation
Document Library Miscellaneous Transportation Miscellaneous Transportation pdfC100 Testimony DC Council DDOT Oversight Hearing Monte EdwardsIt’s time for DDOT to use those funds to move the transload or intermodal terminal study forward and thereby...
Jul 13, 2022 | Active, Transportation
Union Station Opened in 1907, the Beaux-Arts station was designed by Daniel Burnham and is the southern terminus of the Northeast Corridor, the busiest passenger rail line in the nation. Union Station is the second busiest Amtrak station after New York City,...
Apr 24, 2017 | Active, Transportation
The Committee of 100 was an early and strong supporter of the Metro subway system to serve the DC metropolitan area. We continue to advocate for significant improvements and sound investments in mass transit to benefit the city and the region.
Apr 17, 2017 | Active, Transportation
The C100 has been an active advocate for laws and regulations aimed at limiting the intrusion of commercial signage on city streetscapes, as well as strict enforcement of existing sign laws. In 2010, the C100 successfully opposed a proposal for expansion of the...
Nov 12, 2014 | {Archived & Historical}, Transportation
The Virginia Avenue Tunnel in southeast Washington, D.C. was constructed in 1872 and extended in 1904. By 2010, the tunnel needed to be replaced to meet growing demands of increased freight traffic. Two tunnels were proposed of sufficient clearance to allow for...
Sep 14, 2014 | Active, Transportation
Chosen by Congress as the site for a permanent seat of government in 1790, Washington became one of the few cities in the world planned expressly as a national capital. Pierre-Charles L’Enfant’s plan was influenced by Baroque landscape architecture, with wide avenues...