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Miscellaneous Transportation
C100 Testimony DC Council DDOT Oversight Hearing
Monte Edwards
It’s time for DDOT to use those funds to move the transload or intermodal terminal study forward and thereby advance the move DC Plan and the 2017 DC State rail Plan.
C100 Follow-up To July 7 NCPC Testimony
Monte Edwards
This letter to D.C. Council Chairman Mendelson was sent in response to the Chairman’s inquiry concerning certain details of trains and tracks raised during the July 7th NCPC hearing on the Union Station Expansion project.
C100 Testimony DDOT Budget Hearing
Meg Maguire
We are astonished that the draft sign regulations propose radical and unacceptable changes in existing sign policy to increase the spread of highly intrusive outdoor advertising billboard technologies throughout the District. These proposals constitute major, wholly unwarranted and indeed inexplicable concessions to the sign industry at the expense of the public interest.
C100 Testimony DDOT Budget Hearing Rail Plan
Monte Edwards
Testimony regarding the Committee of 100's recommendation concerning the need for a comprehensive Rail Plan for the District of Columbia.
C100 Press Release MoveDC Transporation Plan
Meg Maguire
The Committee of 100 on the Federal City today called on the District Department of Transportation to improve its draft long-range transportation plan to address the needs of the broad range of DC residents.
C100 Comments MoveDC Multi-Modal Long Range Transportation Plan
Meg Maguire
The Committee of 100 on the Federal City has reviewed the moveDC Multi-Modal Long Range Transportation Plan and we submit the following consolidated comments. Our goal is to ensure that the final moveDC plan is the best possible guide to the city for immediate and long-term public investments and priorities, and an appropriate transportation element in the forthcoming revision of the Comprehensive Plan.
C100 Comments On Draft SW Ecodistrict Plan Addendum
Richard Houghton
The SW Ecodistrict Plan seeks to address many problem issues, while also setting a high environmental standard. We commend NCPC for undertaking this project and for undertaking the additional studies that are summarized in The SW Ecodistrict Plan Addendum, particularly the study of building heights within the study area. The Committee raises a number of issues and questions with respect to transportation planning and building heights.
C100 Comments Before Mayoral Hearing Regarding Maryland Avenue SW
Monte Edwards
C100 member Monte Edwards presented C100 testimony on the Office of Planning’s proposals for dealing with multi-modal transportation issues along Maryland Avenue SW.