Individual Zoning Cases

The Committee of 100 on occasion testifies or submits comments on individual zoning cases where the subject doesn’t fit under the other defined zoning categories.   Document Library Individual Zoning Cases pdfC100 Testimony DC Council on DC Archives Caroline...

Corridor Plans

In the last revision of the Comprehensive Plan, large stretches of DC corridors like Connecticut, Wisconsin and New York Avenues were targeted for up-zoning, encouraging development to new heights and limiting community engagement. The Committee of 100 works ensure...

Historic Districts

An historic district is a formally designated group of buildings, structures, sites, and spaces that relate to one for historical, architectural, and/or cultural reasons.  DC has over 30 residential DC historic districts that are included in the DC Inventory of...

Inclusionary Zoning

The Inclusionary Zoning Program (IZ) requires that most new and some renovated residential developments include a minimum number of affordable units for rent or sale. Those eligible enter a lottery that assigns these units. C100 in testimony on IZ urges its...

Union Station

During the height of the “City Beautiful” movement, architects Daniel Burnham and Peirce Anderson drew on Roman masterworks such as the Arch of Constantine and the Baths of Diocletian to create a monumental new train station that opened in 1907.  It was named Union...