Fort Circle Parks & Rock Creek Park

Fort Circle Park — While today the Fort Circle Parks are largely unknown and generally neglected, the overarching fact is that they are, indeed, still here.
Rock Creek Park — Since its creation in 1890, Rock Creek Park was envisioned as a natural preserve to which Washingtonians could retreat to escape the hustle, bustle, heat, noise, and glare of downtown.

Rental Housing Assistance

The District of Columbia provides several forms of rental assistance to low-income tenants to promote housing stability and to avoid potential displacement through eviction. The agencies administering rental assistance are the DC Housing Authority and the Department...

Affordable Housing Preservation and New Construction

C100 prioritizes preservation of the city’s existing housing stock and expansion of the inventory of new affordable housing with family-sized units of 2-3+ bedrooms for the most vulnerable residents in all parts of the city. We focus on how the city sets affordable...

2024 DC Council Electoral Candidate Questionnaires

To help DC voters better understand the positions of candidates running this year for DC Council offices, the Committee of 100 sent questionnaires to candidates on the ballot for the June 4 Democratic Primary.

Public Housing

C100 has recognized the crucial role of public housing for DC’s most vulnerable residents. Through the DC Housing Authority (DCHA), the District government provides housing for extremely low-income residents including seniors and those with disabilities. C100 has...