On December 8, 2009, the Office of Planning filed a memorandum that served as a petition requesting amendments to the Zoning Regulations. The proposed text and map amendments would permit and guide development of the air rights over the railroad tracks north of Union Station. A decision on this new zone district is expected on February 28, 2011.

The Office of Planning proposed to create a new standalone zone called Union Station North, or USN that would permit a 14 acre air rights development on a platform above the existing rail yards north of Union Station on both sides of H Street. While the 1910 Height Act limits the height of the development to 130 feet, the Office of Planning proposes to use the top of the H Street Bridge, about 30-feet above the existing railroad tracks, as the measuring point for the project.

On January 6, 2011, the Committee of 100 was joined before the Zoning Commission by Monte Edwards, representing the Capitol Hill Restoration Society; architect Drury Tallant; and, historian William Wright. The panel cited that the proposed height is unprecedented, would overshadow Union Station, and that using the top of the H Street Bridge as a measuring point is inconsistent with previous zoning decisions.


Document Library

Union Station North


Bill Wright Testimony before ZC – Union Station North

Bill Wright

Bill Wright testified as a concerned Capitol Hill resident as part of a panel before at a Zoning Commission hearing about the proposed Union Station North development.

Date added: December 10, 2020

Testimony before ZC – Union Station North re Drury Tallant – Images

Drury Tallant

The five graphic images in this document are referenced in Drury Tallant’s testimony given before the Zoning Commission on January 6, 2011.

Date added: January 6, 2011

Drury Tallant Testimony before ZC – Union Station North

Drury Tallant

Drury Tallant testified as a concerned Capitol Hill resident as part of a panel before at a Zoning Commission hearing about the proposed Union Station North development.

Date added: January 6, 2011

Monte Edwards Testimony before ZC – Union Station North on behalf of CHRS

Monte Edwards

Monte Edwards testified on behalf of the Capitol Hill Restoration Society as part of a panel before at a Zoning Commission hearing about the proposed Union Station North development.

Date added: January 6, 2011

Alma Gates Testimony before ZC – Union Station North

Alma Gates

Alma Gates testified on behalf of the Committee of 100 as part of a panel before at a Zoning Commission hearing about the proposed Union Station North development.

Date added: January 6, 2011

C100 Testimony before ZC – Union Station North

Alma Gates

Alma Gates testified on behalf of the Committee of 100 as part of a panel at a Zoning Commission hearing about the proposed Union Station North development.

Date added: December 16, 2010

NCPC Letter to C100

Marcel Acosta

Clarification of NCPC’s opinion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Act.

Date added: October 19, 2010

NCPC Letter to Council Chair Vincent Gray

Marcel Acosta

NCPC’s summary of its opinion of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Act.

Date added: September 3, 2010