Inclusionary Zoning

The Inclusionary Zoning Program (IZ) requires that most new and some renovated residential developments include a minimum number of affordable units for rent or sale. Those eligible enter a lottery that assigns these units. C100 in testimony on IZ urges its...

Height of Buildings Act

So I close with a cautionary note.  Be very careful as you gamble with the 100-year legacy of Washington’s Height Act. Take care not too open things up to casually.  I dare say, those height limits may be the single most powerful thing that has made this city so...

Union Station North

On December 8, 2009, the Office of Planning filed a memorandum that served as a petition requesting amendments to the Zoning Regulations. The proposed text and map amendments would permit and guide development of the air rights over the railroad tracks north of Union...

Potomac Waterfront

The National Park Service (NPS) is examining the feasibility of implementing a non-motorized boathouse zone along the District of Columbia’s side of the Potomac River waterfront upstream of the Georgetown Waterfront Park. This study represents an opportunity for...

Air Rights Development

Air rights in Washington, DC are the development rights to the empty space above a property, which allow the construction of improvements above existing land. Air rights can be bought or sold, and there are strict limitations on them depending on the location. Local...

Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan sets the framework that shapes changes to the City. For as long as DC has had a Comprehensive Plan, the Committee of 100 has worked with the Office of Planning, DC Council and other organizations on the text of the Plan. The DC elements of the...