Air rights in Washington, DC are the development rights to the empty space above a property, which allow the construction of improvements above existing land. Air rights can be bought or sold, and there are strict limitations on them depending on the location. Local zoning laws may also affect air rights.


Document Library


Air Rights Development


C100 Letter Thomas Flourney Regarding I-395 Air Rights

John Fondersmith

The Committee of 100 on the Federal City is pleased to see this project move forward. This project, along with associated development project, has the potential to repair the Center Leg Freeway gash/barrier through the eastern area of Downtown that has existed for some 40 years.

Date added: November 19, 2011

C100 Testimony ZC – Center Leg Freeway PUD (Case No. 08-34)

Monte Edwards, C100 member

Date added: December 6, 2010