C100 Comments On Proposed Revisions To 1 CFR Chapter VI

Stephen A. Hansen

In May, the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) released for public comment - proposed revisions to current regulation 1 CFR Chapter VI for NCPC's administrative responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act and to the Submission Guidelines for projects requiring NCPC review and approval. On July 10, the C100 submitted comments complimenting the Commission and Commission staff on the clarity and general improvement of both. While the C100 proposed few detailed changes on either draft, it raised three broad policy issues requesting better definition or greater administrative clarity in both drafts: 1)Stronger policy link between NEPA and the National Historic Preservation Act; 2) Better description of NCPC's internal processes for "triggering" Categorical Exclusions (CATEX); and, 3) Better definition of and opportunities for public participation throughout the process.