The Committee of 100 participates in Council oversight of the Office of Planning, the Office of Zoning, the Zoning Commission, and the Board of Zoning Adjustment to convey how these agencies and bodies interact to support sound land use and development decision-making and the public interest. The Committee of 100 urges the independence of the regulatory bodies with a dedicated staff that would allow the Office of Planning to regain its primary function under the mayor. C100 links the Council’s interest in ensuring transparency, dissemination of disaggregated data, racial and economic equity and inclusion, and full public engagement in public processes with proposed zoning actions that often conflict with the Council’s goals as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan for the District of Columbia.
Document Library
- Zoning Oversight
C100 Statement For The April 24, 2024 OP & OZ Budget Hearing
Shelly Repp
C100 statement for the D.C. Council Committee of the Whole, Performance Oversight hearings for the Office of Planning and Office of Zoning, April 23, 2024
C100 Testimony DC Council OAG Oversight
Sondra Mills
We urge greater transparency by OAG regarding its efforts to secure DCHA’s compliance with the law. The public needs to know whether OAG’s cases have achieved any real change in DCHA’s practices.
C100 Testimony DC Council OAG Oversight
Laura Richards
We urge the OAG to take a step back and look at the results of 25 years of high-density development. The District lost 60,000 African-American residents during that period. IZ doesn’t work; it simply gives away bonus density for pocket change.
C100 Testimony DC Council Performance Oversight Hearing On OP And OZ
Shelly Repp
Testimony on issues including developers vs. neighborhoods, racial equity, blanket corridor upzoning, relief from parking requirements, historic presveration, the Zoning Commission, the Board of Zoning Adjustments, and the need for independent expertise.
C100 Testimony DC Council Zoning Oversight
Kirby Vining
C100 testified at the D.C. Council's annual performance oversight hearing on the Office of Zoning for FY20 on March 18, 2021, focusing on the Commission's appearance of favoritism toward the development community and the Commission's failure to comply with basic provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. C100 asserted that these shortcomings undermined public confidence in the Commission's work.
C100 Testimony Zoning Oversight
Laura Richards
The statement of the Committee of 100 on the Federal City centers on the need to rebuild public trust in the District's zoning function among rank and file residents. There exists a widespread perception that the playing field is tilted toward development at any cost, with little or no consideration for either the wishes of affected residents or the guidance contained in the D.C. Comprehensive Plan.
C100 Comments On Proposed Revisions To 1 CFR Chapter VI
Stephen A. Hansen
In May, the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) released for public comment - proposed revisions to current regulation 1 CFR Chapter VI for NCPC's administrative responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act and to the Submission Guidelines for projects requiring NCPC review and approval. On July 10, the C100 submitted comments complimenting the Commission and Commission staff on the clarity and general improvement of both. While the C100 proposed few detailed changes on either draft, it raised three broad policy issues requesting better definition or greater administrative clarity in both drafts: 1)Stronger policy link between NEPA and the National Historic Preservation Act; 2) Better description of NCPC's internal processes for "triggering" Categorical Exclusions (CATEX); and, 3) Better definition of and opportunities for public participation throughout the process.
C100 Testimony OAG 2018 Budget
Meg Maguire
The AG’s insistence on code enforcement in the DigiMedia and Sanford Capital cases that the C100 has followed, backed by tough legal action, inspires citizen confidence. We urge the Council to fund the $2 million increase in the Litigation Support Fund in the 2018 budget so that more of the fine legal work of the Office of the Attorney General can benefit our beloved city.
C100 Letter To Mayor Bowser Regarding Appointments
Nancy MacWood
We respectfully recommend that vacancies or expired terms for boards and commissions be posted immediately and that specific details about qualifications for the position be posted. We also recommend that the public be given at least one month to notice the vacancy and apply for the position.
C100 Urges Mayor-Elect Bowser To Promote Planning And Sustainability
Nancy MacWood
The Committee of 100 on the Federal City today called on Mayor-Elect Muriel Bowser to amend her Transition Plan to include planning and sustainability as core principles of her Administration.