Including Museums, Monuments and Memorials


This important area of the city is a particular focus of the Committee of 100 because of its importance to the city and its identity, and because there is generally no local residential population to monitor and comment on actions. In recent years, there has been a plethora of proposals for monuments and memorials in the area of the Mall. The Committee of 100 comments on site selection and design of memorials. Smithsonian including Bezos addition to National Air and Space, Hirshhorn, Peace Corps Commemorative Park, Fallen Journalists, Kennedy Center, NCPC plans and proposals, etc.


Document Library

National Mall and Federal Enclave


C100 Comments On Peace Corps Commemorative Park

Carol Aten, John Fondersmith, & Pat Tiller

Date added: September 9, 2022

C100 Comments To NCPC On Monumental Core Streetscape Design Guidelines

Carol Aten, John Fondersmith, Pat Tiller, Elizabeth Purcell, Faith Wheeler

Comments on the National Capital Planning Commission's (NCPC) Draft "Monumental Core Streetscape Guidelines: Vertical and Surface Elements" were submitted on April 27, 2022. The Committee of 100 suggested improving the definitions of the Monumental Core boundaries and suggested changes and additions for describing Vertical and Surface Elements.

Date added: April 27, 2022

C100 Comments To NCPC On Monumental Core Streetscape Design Guidelines

Carol Aten, John Fondersmith, Pat Tiller, Elizabeth Purcell, Faith Wheeler

Comments on the National Capital Planning Commission's (NCPC) Draft "Monumental Core Streetscape Guidelines: Vertical and Surface Elements" were submitted on April 27, 2022. The Committee of 100 suggested improving the definitions of the Monumental Core boundaries and suggested changes and additions for describing Vertical and Surface Elements.

Date added: April 27, 2022

C100 Comments On DC Commemorative Works Program

Kirby Vining

The District's new Commemorative Works Program will begin to give appropriate attention to persons, events and sites that are part of the history of our city, Washington, D.C.  This program can be important in the continuing development of our city and enrichment of our neighborhoods.  The Committee of 100 applauds the first steps in this program.

Date added: March 23, 2021

C100 Statement On Monuments

C100 Trustees

The C100 is dedicated to balancing the ever-changing needs of a growing city and the District’s role as the Nation’s Capital.  

Date added: September 9, 2020

C100 Comments On The Design Of The Peace Corps Commemorative Park

Carol Aten, John Fondersmith, Pat Tiller

Date added: April 25, 2019

C100 Letter National Desert Storm War Memorial

Stephen A. Hansen

The first step with the National Desert Storm War Memorial is to select a site. Two sites were indicated by the National Park Service. Site 1 is on Columbia Island on the west side of the Potomac River and Site 2 is on the west end of the National Mall, just west of 23rd Street, NW and near Constitution Avenue, north of the Lincoln Memorial. After reviewing both sites, the C100 recommended Site 2.

Date added: July 24, 2017

C100 Letter NCPC Regarding Renwick Signs

Erik Hein

The C100 is concerned about the after-the-fact Section 106 review being conducted for the back-lit signage that has already been installed by the Smithsonian at the Renwick Gallery.  The signs are inappropriate for this National Historic Landmark and its historic location near the White House, violate DC sign codes, and are a departure from the standard signage deployed at other Smithsonian institutions.

Date added: December 12, 2016

C100 Comments Pershing Park

Nancy MacWood

John Fondersmith

In summary, we suggest further revisions that would retain as much of the original park design as possible, while incorporating new features such as the central grass panel, the water feature, and the Memorial Wall. We believe a better visual connection between the west side of the park and the Pershing statue area is needed. Finally, we believe improvements of some kind to the Pershing statue area (the walls adjacent to the statue) are needed. Further work on the Memorial Wall design is needed.

Date added: October 24, 2016
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