New Developments are occurring on large tracts of previously industrial lands or other sites for which purposes have changed. These deserve careful attention to planning and design.


Document Library

Comprehensive Plan—DC Elements


C100 Letter DC Council Comp Plan Vote

Kirby Vining

C100 urges the Council to heed the Council Office on Racial Equity report on the draft Comprehensive Plan and vote NO on bill 24-0001 because the Plan “perpetuates the status quo.”

Date added: April 28, 2021

C100 Letter DC Council Draft Comprehensive Plan B 24-0001

Kirby Vining Laura Richards & Nancy MacWood

Letter to Chairman Mendelson and all DC Council Members urging them to address significant flaws in the Mayor’s Comprehensive Plan amendments that have made this 1,500 page document anathema to residents across the District.

Date added: March 19, 2021

C100 Comprehensive Plan Take Action

C100 Trustees

This document, lists some of the major failures of the Comp Plan amendments and changes Council should make when it votes on the Plan in mid-March.   Please share this document with your personal contacts and the wider community via ANCs, civic associations, and other local groups to spread the word about what concerned citizens can do to weigh in with Councilmembers before March 16th via blogs, email — however you best reach your local community.

Date added: February 19, 2021

C100 Maps Of The Comprehensive Plan

Kirby Vining

The Comprehensive Plan contains two maps, the Future Land Use Map and the Generalized Policy Map, both of which have crucial roles in planning and Zoning.  Hundreds of changes to both have been proposed and the attached is a guide to both what these maps are about.

Date added: January 27, 2021

C100 Press Release Unmasking The Comprehensive Plan

Nancy MacWood & Meg Maguire

The Committee of 100 on the Federal City (C100) has just released Unmasking the Rewrite: How to Make the Comprehensive Plan Work for DC, a 74 page report that describes how the Mayor’s Office of Planning (OP) has turned the legally required amendment to the District’s Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) into an attack on neighborhoods and an invitation to developers to pursue unconstrained development.

Date added: January 11, 2021

C100 Supplemental Testimony DC Council B23-0736 Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Kirby Vining & Nancy MacWood

Extensive written comments on many elements of the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, presented in follow-up to our November 12, 2020 testimony before the Council.

Date added: December 3, 2020

Unmasking The Rewrite - Assessment Of Selected Elements in the Comprehensive Plan

Introduction and Major Conclusions: This document includes the full text of C100’s comments on the amended Comp Plan as presented to the Council on December 3, 2020, but also includes a brief introduction pointing out the basis for our detailed analysis and recommended changes that should be of help to others in discussions with Council members and civic associations before the Council votes on the amended Comp Plan, probably in February, 2021.

Date added: December 1, 2020

C100 Supplemental Testimony Comprehensive Plan

Meg Maguire, Nancy MacWood, & Andrea Rosen

To achieve racial and economic equity in this city, and to gain the confidence and community buy-in necessary to do that, we recommend that Council: 1) Retain the current plan as a starting point, as flawed as it may be; 2) Immediately focus our city government capacities on implementing best practices in community visioning and planning to develop community-driven Small Area Plans; and 3) Identify specific sites and potentially convertible spaces and buildings in each ward that can produce affordable housing to strengthen our neighborhoods and enable low income families to achieve a better and more equitable future.

Date added: November 20, 2020

C100 Testimony DC Council B23-0736 Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Kirby Vining

Text of C100 oral remarks presented to the Council Committee of the Whole for its hearing on B23-0736 on November 12, 2020. See supplemental comments submitted later, immediately above.

Date added: November 12, 2020

C100 Letter Zoning Commission Chair Anthony Hood

Kirby Vining

C100 October 12, 2020 letter to the Zoning Commission, objecting to the Zoning Commission’s August 5, 2020 letter to the Council encouraging the Council to pass the amended Comprehensive Plan because delay in passing the Plan “is having a negative effect on ((Zoning Commission)) progress.”

Date added: October 13, 2020
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