Mission Statement

The Committee of 100 on the Federal City advocates for a racially and economically inclusive city through policies and programs that will produce greater housing affordability for low- and moderate-income people. We promote a broad range of simultaneous actions to stem housing loss and spur housing production through sound legislation, adequate funding, transparent and straightforward program implementation, and comprehensive community planning.


C100 Affordable Housing Principles

DC is comprised of 8 Wards which collectively include 130+ distinct neighborhoods with unique characteristics that include a variety of housing types and tenure, density and scale, and unique community features. The Committee of 100, in close alignment with the District’s Comprehensive Plan, advocates for policies that will guarantee housing affordability and fair housing compliance throughout all wards; and an adequate number and variety of units to meet DC’s housing needs, with particular concern for the housing needs of extremely low, very low, low, and moderate- income families at rents they can afford.



Document Library

Affordable Housing Principles


C100 Housing Subcommittee What Assumptions Are Driving The Intense Pressure To Build

Housing Subcommittee

There is no trickle-down housing effect from market rate housing, and the bottom is getting worse.  The C100 strongly advocates robust public funding to create housing for those in the 0%- 50% AMI range ($58,600) first, before subsidizing developments catering to those above that level. For those at the lower end of the scale, the availability of publicly subsidized housing is the difference between having a home and not having one. Further up the scale a subsidy merely enhances the quality of a home and the profits of the developer.

Date added: January 1, 2019

Housing Subcommittee Principles

The mission of the C100 Housing Subcommittee, in close alignment with the District’s Comprehensive Plan, is to promote an inclusive city with strong and stable communities by advocating for policies that will guarantee housing affordability and fair housing compliance throughout all wards; and an adequate number and variety of units to meet DC’s housing needs, with particular concern for the housing needs of extremely low, very low, low and moderate income families at rents they can afford.

Date added: November 13, 2018