The Federal Elements are prepared by the National Capital Planning Commission and guide federal planning and development in the nation’s capital. The policies guide NCPC actions on federal plans, proposals, and developments it reviews.


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Comprehensive Plan—Federal Elements


C100 Comments Comprehensive Plan For The National Capital Federal Elements - Parks Open Space Element

Stephen A. Hansen

We like the new organizational structure, the key principles, the discussion of designed landscapes, and the categorizations of different types of parks and open space with associated policies.  We also applaud the emphasis on protection of the L’Enfant Plan, McMillan Plan, and viewsheds.  The discussion is intelligent and thorough and the policies will be helpful as criteria in helping the Commission make recommendations and decisions on proposed projects.  We have two major and somewhat related concerns:

1.  We are dismayed by the lack of specifics, i.e., any plans or objectives relating to specific park and open space needs or issues.

2.  The revised “goal statement” (p. 3) to “protect and enhance the parks and open space system” does not include an important concept in the 2004 Element i.e., “ensure that adequate resources are available for future generations.”

Date added: May 7, 2018

C100 Comments NCPC Federal Elements


The Committee of 100 on the Federal City applauds the tremendous amount of work that has been done by the NCPC staff and Commission members, and by cooperating agencies and organizations, to bring the updated Elements and related sections to this point. We appreciate the opportunity to make these final comments on the draft Federal Elements of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital. We look forward to seeing the draft of the eighth Element, Parks and Open Space, when that draft element is completed and made available for public review later in 2016.

Date added: December 4, 2015