DC Rail Plan

DC Rail Plan


icon C100 Comments DC State Rail Plan
July 8, 2016, Monte Edwards & Sarah Campbell
We applaud the DDOT for the progress it has made in addressing an often-overlooked transportation issue and for the Vision that it has articulated in the materials provided at the public meeting. We appreciate that railroad projects do not enjoy the same dedicated funding as road and bridge projects and therefore look forward to working with and supporting DDOT in its efforts to advance the rail mode and better coordination between rail and other modes of transportation.  There is further work to be done in developing this phase of the DC Rail Plan and the Committee of 100 welcomes the opportunity to meet with DDOT to discuss these comments.
icon C100 Email DC Rail Plan
September 30, 2015, Monte Edwards
I was glad to attend the open house on Monday and to see that the development of the DC State Rail Plan has begun. The Public Meeting Boards that were on display (http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55f18056e4b0e76a82e809d2/t/560aae44e4b0c7c832b2076f/1443540548107/SRP_PublicMeeting1_Boards_FINAL_reduced.pdf) offer a good start, but there are areas that need to be expanded or further explained:
icon C100 Statement Transportation Public Engagement Forum
December 9, 2014, Monte Edwards
DDOT has proposed a Plan that should be designed to address congestion, transit crowding and declining transportation reliability but is in fact a Plan that can only be half funded by DC resources, and predicts that congestion, crowding, and declining reliability will continue unless neighboring jurisdictions allocate their budget dollars to solve our transportation problems.  The new administration needs to develop a comprehensive transportation plan that objectively evaluates all modes of moving people and goods and specifically includes commuter rail as an alternative to automobile commuting and freight rail as an alternative to moving freight by truck.
icon C100 Comments MoveDC Multi-Modal Long Range Transportation Plan
June 27, 2014, Monte Edwards
Providing practicable alternatives to automobile commuting should be the overriding theme of the moveDC Plan. Commuter rail is the most efficient and cost-effective means of doing so. 75 percent of the cars on DC streets during the day are non-DC residents.  Metrorail stations in downtown DC are at or near capacity and even with planned improvements, their capacity will be exceeded by 2020 (Figure T-2, page T-4). The bridges that bring Metrobuses, commuter buses, intercity buses and private vehicles in from Virginia are badly congested during rush hour.  The Plan needs to address the ability of commuter rail to provide a practicable alternative to Metrobus, Metrorail and vehicular commuting.

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